2024 See what lies beyond the ground
Throughout the land, an invisible threat lies dormant beneath the ground. This is a series documented through photography, video and sound; deviations from trails delimited by unsafe remote areas.
The performance consisted of a series of walks in the surroundings of Mostar, with the main rule being to trace new paths in addition to those already outlined by hiking apps. [...]
1.installation / 2.mapping / 3.photography /
4.walking art / 5.video / 6.sound
Temporary installation and walkings recorded in video, sound and still image; carried out in the surroundings of Mostar (Bosnia-Herzegovina) and continued later in Péja (Republic of Kosovo)
2024 - 2023 Erratic Wandering Alm Residency ( Germany )
This project invites the participant to perceive the natural surroundings by using an age-old technique of divining, creating their own cartography disconnected from technological devices such as GPS or cell phones. The unconcern with a pre-defined final destination leads the participant to explore the place following their senses, desires and, by chance, physical signals received by the dowsing practice. [...]
1.installation / 2.object / 3.drawing /
4.video / 5.sound
The Alm Residency is an artist-run residence in two huts below the Rechelkopf between Waakirchen and Tegernsee, in the Bavarian foothills of the Alps. Every autumn for the past seven years, it has invited four to five artists to the century-old "Ochsenhütte" and the "Jagaheisl", which is a little higher up the mountain. The artists live and work there for ten days and are in direct contact with nature on a daily basis. The final result of these projects will be presented in 2024 to a wider audience in an exhibition at Lothringer 13 Halle in Munich.
2024 For those who foresee Örö Residency ( Finland )
This project delves into ancient knowledge practices aimed at harnessing energy fields emanating from the environment. Drawing inspiration from the controversial modern concept known as Ley Lines, as conceptualized by the physician
Ernest Hartmann, it proposes that the Earth is enveloped by an intricate network of invisible magnetic lines. [...]
1.installation / 2.object / 3.photography /
4.drawing / 5.video / 6.sound
The residency is supported by The Arts Council of Finland, The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland, the Kimito County and Konstsamfundet.
2023 Clutch Exhibition at the Titanik Gallery (Finland)
Come close – see, sense, trace – the gestures of movement enveloped in the calcium carbonate rings of a Pacific oyster shell, or those embedded in the ridges of a Mil-homens liana. Like the bones and tissues in our own bodies, these matters are living archives of movement; of attachment; of habitat; of freedom to roam; of systems; of intervention; of proximity. They connect and converge, make and unmake, and hold within them millennia of knowledges. What can we learn from spending time with oysters and lianas? [...]
1.installation / 2.object / 3.photography
4.drawing / 5.video / 6.sound
This exhibition was held together with the artist Harriina Räinä as a result of a partnership between Saari Residence and Titanik Gallery, The project was commissioned by Kone Foundation (Finland)
2022 La Parabole Est-Nord-Est / Résidence d'artistes (Canada)
This project poetically recalls a tragic event that took place in the surroundings of a small Canadian village. The personification of a trajectory, of a line, of a shape. A tale told from a peculiar perspective.
1.installation / 2.object / 3.photography /
4.drawing / 5.video / 6.sound
This project was commissioned by Est-Nord-Est / Résidence d'artistes (Canada), with support
from the Canada Council for the Arts and
the Quebéc Arts and
Letters Council.
2022 kérapi dzamaapi peeri
Taking the cosmology and artifacts of the Baniwa* peoples as a guideline, the Kérapi twin cups commonly used for meals constitute a double or extension of a ceramic object in an intriguing way that brings with it a symbolism of opposing forces of the same matter or dissolution of body/object. The ambiguous action provides narratives that cross the collective imagination and transport us to another time and space. Does it collide or expand? [...] Read more >>
1.creative process / 2.installation /
3.drawing / 4.video / 5.sound
2021 Aquelas que não estão Jardim Mineral Residency ( Brazil )
This project dialogues with the geological samples in a hidden situation from the Museum's Technical Reserve. By bringing to light this rich collection, I give a speculative narrative regarding the existence of these samples in a state of readiness.
1.internet / 2.photography /
3.video / 4.sound
This project was held during the 'Jardim Mineral' Residency Programme (BR). It was carried out by MMGerdau - Museum of Mines and Metal, sponsored by GERDAU and supported by CBMM.
2021 deep time Silo Residency ( Brazil )
This project is an invitation for a shift in the perception of our surroundings, a change of perspective concerning non-human beings (or more-than-human) and so-called 'inanimate' things. Geological time operates on a time scale different from human perceptual capacity. [...]
1.installation / 2.object / 3.photography /
4.drawing / 5.video / 6.sound
This project was held during the Resilience Residence Programme in Serra da Mantiqueira (Brazil), supported by Serrapilheira (BR), Pro Helvetia South America (CH) and Swissnex (CH).
2021 supernatural encounters
A digital camera activated by a motion detector and powered by a power bank with a solar panel was attached without protection to the trunk of a Cipó-imbé plant (Philodendron imbe), at the mercy of weather conditions and possible interference from beings that inhabit the forest. [...] Read more >>
1.creative process / 2.installation /
3.object / 4.video / 5.sound.
2021 Pou.si.o - /po(w)ˈziu/ / Resting. / Dormant
Adjective / (Agriculture; of farmland) plowed and harrowed but left unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility as part of a crop rotation or to avoid surplus production. In addition to this purpose, it can be used as a means of weed control, combined with other practices, such as planting rotation. A fallow period of time is one in which ‘very little happens’.[...] Read more >>
1.creative process / 2.installation / 3.drawing / 4.object /
5.photography / 6.video / 7.sound
2020 The Luminous Phenomenon
This work speculates how light behaves in a specific environment surrounded by supernatural forces, impacting the surface in a different way from the laws of physics. [...] Read more >>
1.creative process / 2.object /
3.video / 4.sound
2020 The Hummmmm Pivô Research Residency ( Brazil )
This is a video based on a supposed sound phenomenon of an inexplicable source. The project derives from reports obtained by decades of ordinary people in different parts of the world about the experience of hearing a strange low frequency noise. [...]
1.photography / 2.video /
3.sound / 4.internet
This project was held remotely during the Pivô - Research residency programme (BR). Focused mainly on studio practice and project follow-ups, the initiative is aimed at creating an environment that values experimentation, where individual research times are respected, and where artists and curators are provided with frequent interchanges.
2020 hidden and missing things SAARI Residency ( Finland )
The main idea of this project was the manipulation of an old-age technique of divining with the purpose of activating relations between the local environment, beliefs and the human being who manipulates it. Using artistic strategies, I organized real and fictitious documents, trying to create narrative and visual logics that flirt with the fields of geophysics and divining methods. [...]
1.installation / 2.object / 3.photography /
4.drawing / 5.video / 6.sound
This project was commissioned by Kone Foundation (FI) and held during the Saari Residency.
2019 terra firma Hangar Residency ( Portugal )
Based on the homonym book by the british author David Wardlaw Scott, 'Terra Firma' explores archaic theories about the shape of our planet, supported by similar aspects across diverse cultures and civilizations throughout the history of mankind. From gestures, actions and elaboration of aparatus I try to deceive the spectator in the attempt to reveal a truth invented among many others. [...]
1.installation / 2.object / 3.photography /
4.drawing / 5.video / 6.sound
This project was held during the residency program at HANGAR - Artistic Research Center of Lisbon (PT).
2019 min egen sol Artist-in-Residence Sandnes ( Norway )
In this project I tried to recreate instruments and models that could reconstitute situations of uncertainty based on themes such as light phenomena and electromagnetic anomalies that move between explained facts and simple delusions. [...]
1.installation / 2.object / 3.photography /
4.drawing / 5.video / 6.sound
This project was held during the A-i-R Sandnes Programme (Norway), supported and funded by Sandnes City Council and Rogaland County Council (NO).
2018 mano Saulé
The manipulation of a simple circular object, a magnifying mirror, aroused the desire to reproduce experiments and situations that would allow the creation or distortion of light sources. The subsequent reading of writings that dealt with luminous anomalies brought me a range of possibilities in the creation of narratives that oscillated between empirical science and oral stories involving supernatural situations. [...] Read more >>
1.creative process /
2.object / 3.video
2018 the invisibility of huge things Nida Art Colony Residency ( Lithuania )
The research reports the trajectory of an inventor, identified only by the initials T. H., who created a device capable of identifying large geographic areas susceptible to huge oscillations and sudden modifications in its original geological formation. [...]
1.installation / 2.object / 3.photography /
4.drawing / 5.video / 6.sound
This project was held during the Artist in Residence Programme at Nida Art Colony (LT). It was partially funded by the Ministry of Culture of Lithuania and supported by the Vilnius Academy of Arts.
2017 Manipul_agem
The development of this work introduced a new narrative stage in the conception of the following projects, as in 'The Invisibility of Huge Things' 2018. The creation of a character that transits all the time between the fictional and the documentary works as a strategy in the construction of new optical and sound devices. [...] Read more >>
1.creative process / 2.object /
2017 [Co]lapso
This work is the sequence of research related to the potential of photographic images in different types of files or information storage devices. These archives, when opened and reordered, trigger possibilities of lethargic narratives and meanings. The landscape acquired here a function of connection with the public, bringing metaphors with contemporaneity by geological events. [...] Read more >>
1.installation / 2.video /
2016 obverso // reverso Solo exhibition / Marcelo Guarnieri Gallery ( Brazil )
The exhibition, which consists of photographs, videos, drawings, sculptures and installations, investigates the notions of displacement and collapse – both of the land and the photographic medium itself – and by means of several devices tries to represent natural phenomena that are only perceived by man when they emerge to surface, or when the body is directly impacted: earthquakes, landslides, sound waves. [...]
1.installation / 2.object / 3.photography / 4.sculpture
5.drawing / 6.video / 7.sound
Exhibition at Marcelo Guarnieri Gallery - São Paulo (Brazil)
visitation period > 29.10.2016 – 26.11.2016
2016 Pro_nuncia_gem
In this video installation the question of the dimensions of the things, presented in Scale 1: 1, is taken up again; This time not only spatially but in its sonority. The raw audios captured from the environment were decapped so as to lose any understanding in the author's pronunciation / speech, bringing an analogous perception to the reality experienced. [...] Read more >>
1.installation / 2.video /
2015 Geomorfologia do Desaparecimento
Using photographic images of the formation of a small island, I attribute samples of volcanic rocks, acquired in the Icelandic capital, to the stages of rise and fall of the land mass resulting from the eruptions of this rarely seen event. [...] Read more >>
1.installation / 2.photography /
2015 Missing Data
Missing Data deals with the loss of information in image files. A fractional photograph, purposely or by the action of time, reduces or makes impossible the interpretation of the observer in front at the image. A steel plate represents the directions and paths of information to gaps and data dispersions. [...] Read more >>
1.photography /
2015 Deslizes ProAc Artist's book 2015-2016 (Brazil)
Deslizes is an artist's book in which content and form go through issues related to friction, rupture, exhaustion and loss of knowledge. Having as its main structure a single image that is repeated on every page of the first module (below) and excerpts of texts on the pages of the second module (top), the book is "sculpted" so that the reader has a visual and tactile experience by flipping fragments of memories and images. [...]
1.artist's book / 2.exhibition / 3.installation /
4.object / 5.photography
This project was commissioned by ProAc of Artists-book 2015-2016. Fifty units of the book of artist were executed; numbered, signed and distributed to public and private collections. Curatorial text by Eder Chiodetto.
2015 Fissuras e deslizes
Fissuras e Deslizes begins a series of works that have as principle a natural phenomenon in geology known as Mass Movements. They are movements of the rock or regolith caused by an instability in the system, which determines the detachment of the material on inclined surfaces. Mass movements and landslides, are denominations of erosive processes that occur in a long or extremely short time interval. [...] Read more >>
1.photography /
2015 Escala 1:1
The object and photobook Scale 1:1 proposes an aesthetic experience of the scale and dimension of things. The manipulation of the objects and images contained in the box determine the approximations and distances of the landscapes. Any image does not belong to a single time and place; Is a confrontation, the coexistence of different times and dimensions. It is an assembly work in which different scales meet with themselves. [...] Read more >>
1.photography /
2.object / 3.drawing
2015 Coleção de Vistas
The act of saving images and preserving a memory that you dont want to empty completely, were the start point for this work. The act of archiving does not have logic or rational classification.
Photographic images were "selected" by a sort of emotional cartography. On the back of the wooden box, an oil painting indicates the scale of tones used in the five photographs. [...]
1.photography /
2.object / 3.painting
2014 Arquivo à Deriva
A landscape carrying a vast memory encrusted in huge plates of ice that slowly slide through a lake at the foot of a volcano. From these images captured in Jökulsárlón (Iceland), I designed a box / archive, in which drawers slide sideways to the wish of the manipulator.[...]
1.photography /
2014 O Todo é feito de Partes Solo exhibition / Marcelo Guarnieri Gallery ( Brazil )
Pedro Hurpia presents the exhibition "The whole is made of parts", his first individual exhibition in the gallery. In this set of works, Hurpia seems to take a deeper step in his investigations. The landscape is present, as well as the photograph and painting characteristic of his later works, but it reveals a deepening not only in the relations between man and nature, but of human being in experience. [...]
1.exhibition / 2.photography /
3.drawing / 4.object
2014 Desvios LabMIS Fotografia Residency ( Brazil )
The initial project had as its premise the investigation of a Landscape in Distension, a term that I tried to develop without a proposal of punctual conclusion, considering the breadth and unknown territories that cover the notion of landscape. [...]
1.installation / 2.object / 3.photography /
4.text / 5.video / 6.sound
This project was held during the LabMIS Fotografia Residency programme with funding from the Government of the State of São Paulo (Brazil)
2014 Aclive
The triptych Aclive was conceived from a narrative of the poet Petrarca and its climb to Mount Ventoux (1336). "At that time it was not common to climb hills without reason, at almost 2,000 meters of altitude and whipped by the cold and dry mistral, blowing at 100, 200 and 300 km / hour, which, moreover, explains the name from the mount. After many stumbling, he finally reached his goal. The date of the work, more precisely, 1336 april 26, is taken as the initial mark of the modern gaze on the landscape, because Petrarch only climbed by mere curiosity, [...]
1.photography / 2.painting /
2013 Todo esto no es Todo
The installation Todo esto no es Todo consists of nine paintings of imaginary topographies and one photography. These topographies were created from graphical software, which reproduces a space delimited by a predetermined quadrant. The photographic image (a self-portrait) shows a human figure on top of a mountain observing the horizon with its real and imaginary limits. [...]
1.photography / 2.painting /
2012 Sight (and) Seeing
The title of this installation alludes to the english term Sightseeing that means an action / activity / visit to tourist places or points of interest in a particular location. The installation consists of photographs, reproductions / appropriations and a painting that form a representation the idea of point of view / scope and contemplation of a view / place. [...]
1.photography / 2.painting /
2011 Harbour View SÌM Residency ( Iceland )
The artist chooses initially a distant view of a distant country, a satellite view over the port area of Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, from the Panoramio site, which allows geographical location. but there are at least two important elements that guide the poetics of work: one is the plastic reconstruction, personal of a place from a map of data available in a network of sharing, the other is a process of knowledge, closer approximation of a distant place that is remapped with photography, painting and object. [...]
1.installation / 2.painting /
This project was held during the Samband Íslenskra Myndlistarmanna Residency Program in Reykjavík (Iceland)
2024 - 2011